Thursday, July 28, 2005

Talk shows

Whether you like it or not it's there and everyone has an opinion about it

But have you ever paid any details to how the desks in talk shows are arranged? when you look at the big name shows (Carson, Letterman, Leno, the hosts almost always faces the left side of the screen, is it something to do the way the eye works? or is something else? like maybe a case of copying the successful format.


Aulia said...

It doesn't help when the two of the three examples you cited took their cue from the other one.

Remember Rove? His guests sit to his left. Although Oprah's tableless show has her guests to her right, then again hers is an American show where they mostly follow NBC's long running Tonight Show format.

Raw eggs said...

Rove? his table is on the right side though, Dr. Phil sits on the right side of the screen. lets see who else John Stewart, O'Reily, O'Brian that show with the republican comedian, eh, those are the only ones I can think of on top of my head