Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Ah....a day off work, public holiday honestly I dont like them that much, only mean I eaither stay at home doing nothing or going out and spend cash....I did the latter....I bought a PS2, which one you ask? the thin one ARRRRR, I thought in the long run it'd be better for me since I wouldn't be as bored the next time I have to be at home, besides what's a gamer without a gaming console? it was a hard choice between that and a DS but being in Indonesia PS 2 games are actually cheaper for some reason *wink* *wink* so that was pretty much the deciding factor. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have as much time as I did wehn I was still a student which is a good thing in a way since now I can't abuse the machine as much but I should be able to keep myself in the game.

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