Wednesday, March 29, 2006

that was surprisingly expected

One of the business associate (from a different company) I work with decided to give me a "cut" from the price mark up for providing them with customers, in comparison to how much they're getting from each customer it's not even 1% but the actual ammount is not that small either, returning the cut while probably the most ethical thing to do is not an option so I'm stuck with either giving the clients this amount back as change for the excess they've paid or keeping it for myself.

to put things in perspective US$1 is around Rp. 9000 and the average wage is around Rp. 1.5 million, so US$ 50 is quite a large ammount around here.

If I was to look at it exclusively from the financial side I'd take the money.......tempting, victimless and I would probably sleep better because I couldn't care less about other people, no one's going to know I took the money right? unless you're a religious person in which you'll say "God will know and you'll go to hell for that" but I'm not so there!

On the other side if I took it I'll be doing what everyone else is doing.

so which one shall it gain? or what is left of my moral integrity?

I'm not going to say here whether or not I took the money, I'll leave that for you to ponder and to question what kind of person I am.

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