Tuesday, April 11, 2006


70%, 70 bloody percent of our foundation year program students are bellow 18 years old, that means more work for me taking care of the damn guardianship issues that means more whiny parents will whine about guardianship issues, that means more forged documents regarding guardianship issues, oh did I say forged? I meant adjusted, documents that will be dismissed in a matter of seconds after a carefull glance.

what is the obsession with sending people to work earlier in life? it won't be long until I'll see a drove of 15 year olds applying for a place in the university.

Accelerated education....BAH!! more like accelerated unemployment!


Anonymous said...

The younger generations are somehow geneticaly capable of absorbing a broader amount of academic knowledge.


"End school early, find work early, succesful life guaranteed."

Also, looking from a cynical point of view, having U/18 kids in a university is something that parents can gloat about.

WV: urasvsme

... your ass versus me?

Raw eggs said...

"The younger generations are somehow geneticaly capable of absorbing a broader amount of academic knowledge."

If so then why is there a indirectly proportional relation between age and GPA at the same academic level?

"End school early, find work early, succesful life guaranteed."

in reality, end school early, get rejected by employees because of inexperience and bellow "mature age" standard, mental health comprimised due to burden of life and expectation forced at an early age.



Anonymous said...

Heey, sans the last one, they're not my opinions.

btw, oughtta see iichan.net's (an imageboard like 4chan, but less... explicit) WV, they're hilarious.

Raw eggs said...

ah a mix of 2chan and 4chan, this goes into my regular sites to visit, now to wait until it evolves into 2chan.net level.

Raw eggs said...

one of the funniest WV I've ever seen

Anonymous said...

Naah, iichan.net's pretty strict with its rules compared to the other imageboards I've been in. It's a whole different community. By the looks of it, they'll remain like that for a while.