Sunday, September 10, 2006


There are many reasons why people do the things they do mainly it's devided into necessity and wants the other can be classified as accidents. The forst two things are usually very distinct to each other yet at other times they overlap each other and when they do things starts to get rather confusing then you'll loose perspective of what you had to do. The third catagory are mostly done subconsciously one example is where your wants are constantly suppressed by the lack of necessity to do so or maybe because you know it's a stupid thing to do but in the end you do it anyway. Resutls coming from an accident varies depending on the current and future variables and in accidents the laws of cause and effect are more evident usually supported by your mind or someone else saying "see I told you so" whatever the outcome may be. The laws of cause and effect however also applies with things done out of necessity but it is not as evident as accidents or wants.

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