Saturday, November 11, 2006

confused and bewildered

I know this isn't my usual funny blog since I set up my LJ account but since that one is firewalled by my office server I'll just have to post it here.

It's Staurday, I'm working....again and 5 years from now on this exact same date it would be one of the funniest date in History (provided you go by the Gregorian standard and go with dd/mm/yy). I can't wait to be the first person to type PWND!!!11/11/11/11/11/11/11 on the day

After supervising an English test for almost 2 hours while reading "On sovereignty" (selected writings from Hobbes' Leviathan and Locke's Second Treatise of Government) I sat back behind my desk to do some browsing on the net (because I couldn't do what I was supposed to do), naturaly I went to uncyclopedia to waste my time as always, as ths internet god would have it Xenu was one of the first links I saw, yes, Xenu, those things from scientology. Naturaly I clicked it, the article itself was quite funny and retarded as all uncyclopedia articles are what was different was it had a direct link to wikipedia's entry on the same subject. After a thorough reading of both articles I am now confused, I thought uncyclopedia was supposed to be the retarded one.

but don't make my judgement cloud you, which one's more ridiculous, Wikipedia's xenu or the Wilde version

To be fair I'm never a big fan of religion but this just proves how far a person would go to simply avoid paying tax.


Anonymous said...

Xenu is made up by the anti-Scientology lobby to take the piss out of Scientology. I know NO Scientologist who believes in this crap. But the anti-Scientology movement states that we do. What a contradiction in terms.

Asking the anti-Scientology lobby for the beliefs of a Scientologist is akin to asking Joseph Goebbels for his opinion on the Jews and their tenents.

Scientology believes that you are an immortal being (as does christianity). But we believe that you have lived many, many lives in different bodies. This is not reincarnation because in that doctrine you can come back as anything. In Scientology we believe that you stay on the genetic line of a human.(There have been reports of beings in cats and dogs but not checked).

We are spiritual beings, not bodies, who suffer from amnesia and are the effect of things that happened to us in past lives. We believe that using the technology of Scientology, you can handle this amnesia and uncover the troubles and traumas from ages past and release yourself from them.

A lot of people are sheep, people who read newspapers and blindly believe what they read without checking the facts are sheep. Similarly, the idiots who believe in the anti-Scientology Ku Klux Klan tactics and count these as fact are equally guilty.

To you, Scientology may very well be bullshit but to millions around the world, including myself, it is the route to total freedom.

Most people who are critics are simply that....critics. What you are pre-supposing is that critics are good people. I have never met a "nice" critic in anything. It is a particular kind of person who criticises people.

What gets in my eye mostly about critics of Scientology is their propensity to "sex" up the argument and to tell spook stories that is purely designed to set Scientology apart for scorn and hatred.

I am a proud Scientologist. I know the stuff that we do for mankind and we do it despite the likes of you and your "dog and pony" cronies in the anti-Scientology lobby.

Further, I have also found that many, many critics of Scientology have things to hide. Further they have nothing to offer mankind except hatred and sectarianism.

We Scientologists fight against psychiatric oppression! has a lot of good information about the abuses by p$ychiatry!

P$ychs have played a part in the oppression of blacks and minorities, the roots of their “racial betterment” eugenics programs and the pivotal part they played in the Holocaust. They are also behind the spate of school shootings and increase both child deaths and acts of school violence.

Anonymous said...

Roflcopter1, Roflcopter1, do you copy?