Thursday, August 09, 2007


Once again I'm getting the news late, which is good since I'm not a tech journalist.

First I'm just going to say one thing about iWorks '08........AWESOME! and to have them call the spreadsheet Numbers just made me a prophet, too bad the whole package is beyond my iBook's capacity.

Now a few words about the new  iMac, While the tech specs are quiet expected the design on it's own looks disjointed, it feels like there's a barrier between the monitor and the the rest of the body, aside from that I like the new keyboard design now the only thing they need to do to improve it is make it paper thin so I can place it on an angled surface and play "tactical officer" or "helmsmen" from Star Trek:TNG.

*OK something is seriously screwed with text formating in blogger, I'm gonna have to try and fix this

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