Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We the people

What makes a nation? shared history, shared culture, shared language, shared values, if these are the elements that makes a country there are many that no longer fits the definition. If there is one factor that is true in all citizens of any country is that each one of us hope for a better life. Many move away from the country of their origins to another for better security, better treatment, better jobs, better life but in the end that is what we all want.

We do share one value, we value a good life and the ability to live as we see fit, yet here we are segmented, separated by our fears, hatred and pettiness. We carve out borders to exclude others, we huddle with our own kind out of hatred and we reject foreign values out of fear.

Humanity is one but diverse, yet its diversity is what separates us.

So I ask again, what makes a nation? I say it is fear.

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