Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Moving to a stop

Computer, modem, fax, telephone, cars, airplanes.......Things that made what seemed impossible possible, these technological advances has created a much smaller world then it was before, these technologies allow us to go to other places quicker and relay our messages faster, we are now able to talk face to face with someone across the globe and even beyond the globe, we can get our food without even going outside the house and your home (or your favorite hangout place) can also be your office, now we can even see a mute and deaf person using a phone.

The above is probably what you hear in the opening of a technological convention or on TV when someone is explaining how great technology is what we are missing out is how far will technology takes us none of us really know where we are going with it. From my amateur observations and personal experiences with technology we will be going nowhere with technology,literally, the more technology advances the less people have to move, you may interact with the person in your living room or next to you without opening your mouth through instant message services, eat a box of pizza you ordered through e-mail, order a new set of clothing and work from the same computer you use to 'talk', order food and shop from at the same time. While it may seem farfetched personal transport may become obsolete in time since the amount of traveling may be significantly reduced overtime.


Aulia said...
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Aulia said...

But still you can't send a fax across the pond over a phone lin :D

*I wish blogger would let ppl edit comments before anyone else reads it*

Anonymous said...

A phone lin? What are you? A Kiwi? XDDD

Raw eggs said...

What's this phone lin you speak of?

Aulia said...

See my remark about editing comments.