Saturday, May 20, 2006

meme |mēm|

The term meme, is not a commonly used term in modern physical societies, while the term may have originated in the field of biology it's implementation is much more evident in psychological and sociological field.

According to the Oxford American Dictionary meme is defined as "an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation". While it emphasized on imitation it is not limited to it many aspect of an individuals life consist of meme. Cultures will not have survived without meme as culture is essentially a collection of stories, behavior, practices and ideas passed on from one person to the other which then passed down to the next group of people.

I'm only writing this because last Friday everyone in the office was eating pop mie (a local version of cup noodles) because one person ate it prior, causing the entire office to go and buy it, I call a viral reaction to an action.

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