Monday, May 29, 2006

To be human....

What does this actually mean? to be human....many philosophers have pondered upon the nature of human beings, some of the ideas have become integrated to different belief system, some say humans are born pure like a blank sheet of paper, some contradicted this and have concluded that humans are born evil or have sinned (which are two different things) or at least basically primal, while others deduced that deep down all humans are good but some are too confused.

These ideas may be right or wrong or both in the end we are really to dumb to figure out simply because this question has been asked by billions of people for over thousands of years and we have not really found the answer to it, either that or we just couldn't agree to a single thought, which arguably is also a human thing, the ability to draw it's own conclusion through it's experience, this is perhaps what most people call wisdom.

However as we all have learned, and perhaps the one thing that we can all agree on, that opposing views causes conflict and this can be materialized into physical violence which ironically is a primal solution to a disagreement and is not considered to be the wisest course of action yet such solution is also considered as a human reaction.

I find the nature of human to be both amusing and preplexing, in fact it is probably safe for me to assume that to be human is to be preplexing and perhaps even inquisituve as this sample have proven so by simply asking a question.

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