Tuesday, April 22, 2008


"How a about a JLA movie?" asked a person. I'm very skeptic about comic book super hero movies, I blame the 70's and 80's for it, the horrid tunes from Batman and Spider Man TV series still haunts me like a bad jingle. To be honest I was even skeptic of X-Men when I first heard of it, the only super hero movies I had faith was Batman and Superman (even they turned out silly after a several sequels, which then required a "restart").  

Coming back to the question of a JLA (Justice League of America) movie, you have....just on top of my head......Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Superman, Batman and Seaman...I mean Aquaman....forget about the rest of them. That's 6 major characters with 2 already having major box offices. So you'd understand why I'm being skeptic.

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