Monday, April 07, 2008

It's kids stuff

Ok today I went to youtube to watch one of those caramelldansen clips (yes ok I'm rather retarded that way) and enka videos only to find it inaccessible, thinking it was down for a bit I tried again a few hours later only to hear that it was blocked over some video the Indonesian Government found offensive. This may sound odd to those who know me but I'm going to try and be neutral here.

I think they're missing the big picture here, they spend enough time talking about and deciding to ban some website and ignoring the real issue the country's facing, like lack of widespread education or the widespread malnutrition for example. This youtube thing is a non issue and it should stay as a non issue, any call to pull the video down just shows the inability to take crass, offhanded criticism like an adult.

I just hope this is just a knee-jerk reaction like all those other times otherwise they can continue the ban and stop calling themselves a democratic country at least that way they'd be honest.

for those with simpler minds: If you don't like it, don't buy it!

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