Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter 3

So I was told my student visa was granted today, suffice to say I was relieved, soon I won't have to deal with religious ignoramus shouting over the speaker, traffic jams, and smog filled air. Will there be anything I miss? naturally, the cheap prices of some things and a handful of people but other than that I'm glad.

This will be a new chapter for me in this journey called life, it will be different and it will be the same, I will meet with new people and familiar faces, somethings I will do differently and others will be the same but one thing for sure it's going to be something.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Thursday, May 08, 2008


I don't get upset often but if I do  and it's caused by someone else other than myself I suggest you keep your distance. Apologies mean next to nothing to me and I hold a grudges, if want to say you're sorry be sorry for your existence and fix that error.

Yes I'm not a very nice guy but if you know me you already know that.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Less people die from self inflicted gunshot wound or jumping off buildings than those who smoke, yet chain smokers are not arrested for attempt to commit suicide (which is illegal in some countries).  Ok there's the issue of intent but with the various warnings on smoking that's about as intentional as standing on a train track while being warned that they'll get hit by a train.

Then again what do I care, the more people die due to their own stupidity the better it is for the rest of us.