Saturday, February 14, 2009

Shark-Human relations threatened as attacks increase

Shark population in Cronulla are gathering in protest of the increasing numbers of people in the beach as more and more people are coming to the beach this summer.

Cronulla, a popular destination for humans and sharks during the summer period, is once facing a potentially violent conflict as the two groups once again gather in the beach of Cronulla

Shark representative Finny Sharkton have said that the increasing number of people endangers the well being of sharks living in the area.

Sharks living in Cronulla have voiced protests against the obvious racial discrimination by its human residents and demands equal treatment. "We've been here long before those landwalkers and now they're killing of our kind so they can have a swim" protested Sharkton, who was a victim of past human violent attacks in the past.

Despite their peaceful nature certain extremist shark groups have taken upon themselves to rid off the human infestation with at least 2 separate attacks reported believed to be planned by one of the few shark extremist groups, it is still uncertain whether these two attacks are related.

As one of the leading figures in the Cronulla shark community Lily Gutripper have proposed a plan to segregate the humans and the sharks to different areas "Until we found a better solution I believe that it is best for both of our kinds to stay away from each other for the time being, I can guarantee that as long as they stay on land there will be no attacks from the these groups".

While Mrs. Gutripper's initiative have been widely accepted within the shark community the human community have completely disregarded this initiative, dismissing it as a monopoly by the sharks on the use of sea water.