Friday, March 21, 2008


Smitten, a past participle of the word smite, is more commonly used to describe infatuation with something, or in most cases someone, but when you look back at the root of the word it relates more to being on the receiving end of a fast moving, powerful force or object.

Let's take a look at the usage;

"He smote me with a hammer" Here the word smote (past tense of smite) connotes that the subject was violently struck by a hammer.

One the other hand

"I was smitten by her looks"  Does NOT indicate at any point that the speaker was violently struck by the subject, here (and in general) the word is used to describe something more positive

Yet when we switch the condition of the 1st and 2nd sentences it becomes:

"I was smitten by the hammer" and "She smote me with her looks" where the condition in both situation becomes quite humorous.

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